Travel Tips

Travel Tip: International Hand Gestures

Thumbs Up GestureIf you thought not knowing the local language caused communication problems, try using the wrong hand gestures in a foreign country!

There are some classic mistakes out there, so here’s what you need to know.

Trying to show approval for something? In most places, a thumbs-up sign does the trick.

But in parts of the Middle East, Mediterranean and Southeast Asia, you might as well be giving the middle finger.

Oh, and the classic OK sign? Making a circle with your thumb and index finger is a derogatory way to call someone a homosexual in several South American countries.

When in the U.K., Ireland, Australia or New Zealand, watch the direction your palm is facing when making a peace sign. If your palm is facing in, you could be saying, “Screw you.”

And as for that Texas Hook ’em Horns sign with your pinky and forefinger extended, well, that’s also the devil’s sign, and it can get you in trouble at the Vatican!

My advice? Do your homework with resources like to learn what common gestures might be a problem before you go.

You’ll find more helpful tips in our Travel Etiquette section.

And check out the rest of our Daily Travel Tips here.