Rick Sammon Antarctica Photography

rsenter.jpgWhen asked about his specialty, photographer Rick Sammon responds, “My specialty is not specializing.”

Sammon has photographed in almost 100 countries around the world.

Today, he shares his favorite pictures of Antarctica from a journey with Quark Expeditions, along with handy tips on how you, too, can capture that perfect shot.

Sammon has published 31 books, including Rick Sammon’s Secrets to Digital Photography, Exploring the Light – Making the Very Best In-Camera Exposures, and Face to Face – The Complete Guide to Photographing People.

He also gives more than two dozen photography workshops a year (both private and group), and hosts five shows on photography training site www.kelbytraining.com.

For more information about Rick and to see more images, visit www.ricksammon.com.

Click Here to Experience Rick Sammon’s Antarctica